Excellent Solution
for Brilliant & Consistent Masterbatch

Brief History of KASAKATA
Since January 2006, PT Kasakata Kimia has been operating its Masterbatch Business. This business was founded in 1993 as subsidiary of PT BASF Indonesia. Afterward, all activities along with production, marketing, and distribution, both domestic and international, were divested to PT Kasakata Kimia as a sub-company of Avian Group, with all internal operations such as manpower, technology, and machinery being divested to PT Kasakata Kimia as a sub-company of Avian Group.
About the Company
PT Kasakata Kimia is a Masterbatch production company based in Bogor, Indonesia. Our masterbatch is manufactured in the form of granules, powder, and cake and can be applied to PET; PBT; PC; SAN articles; PVC; polyolefins such as PP & PE; styrenic derivatives such as GPPS; PS Hi Impact; ABS; and other materials via the Extrusion process, Injection Moulding, Blow Moulding, Blown Film, Laminating, Calendaring, Vacuum Forming, Thermo Forming and Rotational Moulding.
Our products and services have been widely used by the automotive, fibres, packaging, household, construction, sports, and leisure industries. Bangladesh, Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan, and the vast majority of Indonesia’s plastics industry are among the many with whom we have successful commercial relationships. We can make a wide range of conventional and custom goods for a variety of uses thanks to our cutting-edge production abilities and technology.
To be the market leader for high quality Masterbatch Product
To be innovative in providing solutions for our customers
To provide added-value in products and services for customers satisfaction
To be a competitive company in the global market